His measurements are:
Gross Motor: 12 months
Fine Motor: 13 months
Receptive Language (understanding): 14 months
Gross Motor: 12 months
Fine Motor: 13 months
Receptive Language (understanding): 14 months
Expressive Language (talking): 13 months
Cognitive (Play skills): 15 months
Excellent considering we were shooting for 12 months! He's actually just under 14 months based on his real birthday so we're happy he's at that level for some of the skills. We'll go back in December for another round of testing and then I think only one more when he's 2 years old.
While we were there we also got everyone's blood drawn for two research studies on CDH. One is called DHREAMS http://www.cdhgenetics.com/ and the other is called CDH Study at Children's Hospital in Boston. Both will be studying our DNA to help them identify the cause of CDH and potentially find a better way of treating it in the future. A bit of a pain and it took over an hour to get it sorted out but in the end we did walk out with the vials of blood that I'll send FedEx to the researchers.
Jonah is so much fun! He started walking about a month ago and now toddles around everywhere. We've moved our childproofing up to the three foot tall level (and learned to be on the lookout at anyone else's house :) He babbles all the time and loves to play catch and be tossed around by dad. Mom is good for cuddles when he's not feeling well, which he's not right now. He has a cold (or something) and coughs constantly. We've been assured its nothing to worry about, it just isn't any fun for him, especially since he's also cutting three teeth, two of which are molars.
On another note, my husband and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary today. Looking forward to another 75 years or so! :)
Here are just a few recent photos, we sure are loving the summer months! Jonah isn't too sure about the grass some days but he loves being outside! Other days, he eats everything in site, grass, dandalions, flowers, bark and more :)
And yea, no more baby food for Jonah! He loves eating big boy food, from spaghetti to just about anything else (except vegetables, which he's boycotting right now). We're not quite done with bottles yet but he does like a sippy cup of water.