Tuesday, December 28, 2010

1.5 Year Checkup

Merry Belated Christmas!!! We had a fantastic Christmas here with lots of visiting with family and friends, a beautiful Christmas service and lots of very noisy toys...thanks grandparents! :)

Wow, amazing to think that another 6 months have passed. Jonah just completed his 1.5 year developmental follow up. We again had occupational, physical, and speech therapists there, along with a nurse and a neonatologist. All said Jonah is doing fantastic! We're definitely going back at the 2 year mark but then may be done or may be asked to go back at 2.5 and 3 years. I'm hoping we're done, I'm confident Jonah is hitting all his milestones somewhere between his adjusted and actual age and in some cases is far ahead of of his goal. Here are the results. Keep in mind we're shooting for between 18 months adjusted or almost 20 months actual.

Cognitive (play skills) = 22 months
Fine motor Skills = 25 months
Gross Motor Skills = 20 months
Receptive Language (understanding) = 21 months
Expressive Language (talking) = 19 months
It's funny how much things change in 6 months. After the 2.5 hour appointment we went out to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch just the three of us then visited dad's work on the way back to our house. We wouldn't have dreamed of doing this the first time we went at 6 months or probably not even at a year due to napping schedules and germs. Things are so much fun!
I forgot last time to write about his surgical follow-up, which we'll do annually for a while. He had a chest x-ray and the surgeon said things look good. The fact that he made it through is first winter without any breathing treatments or rehospitalization means we're probably in a good spot as far as his lung function and we just have to watch to make sure he doesn't reherniat. We scheduled the next one for the same day as the developmental assessment, so that will be a long day but then we're potentially done for a whole year, yea!
As for other doctors, Jonah's regular pediatrician is delighted with how he's doing and we'll just be seeing him for regular well visits. He actually said at his 18 month checkup that you'd just never know he was a preemie. He weighs 28lbs now and weighs more than 70% of babies his age and is taller than 90% of them! Jonah's pulmonologist says no need for any more appointments unless I want one and he recommended no RSV shots this winter. Wow, who would have thought we'd be so blessed!

Just a few more photos, he's just a wonderfully happy and healthy little boy.

First time in the snow, have to love winter!
Last year might have been his "first" Christmas, but this one was a ton more fun with Jonah opening gifts and actually getting excited about the toys!